
This page is designed to take over my current portfolio, as well as a place to dump all my works in progress. If you'd like to see my work, go to the Portfolio Page.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Winter's Melting

Preview of another pin-up I've been toilin' on, only half the image. I've been getting in the habit of painting girls in hot situations around this time of year, sort of to celebrate summer coming. I can try all I like to be a srs bsns artist, I can't stop drawing girls all the time... Oh well!

EDIT 6/2/11: Meh, i just uploaded the finished version since i did it the next day, lul. Heels on the beach?! PREPOSTEROUS.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Bachelor frog WIP

My roommate/coworker/friend Cory and I got the bright idea to theme our apartment with frogs in honor of Foul Bachelor Frog, complete with paintings of him above our fireplace. I just got to work on it today, I already have the gaudiest frame I could find for under 20 dollars in a thrift store. It will be grand. This isn't done, also I'm experimenting with displaying my steps horizontally... What do you prefer? I think I need to make him more extravagant. Also, If you don't know what Foul Bachelor Frog is and want to look him up, be warned... he is rather foul.

Oh, and if you don't know Osama Bin Laden died on this day.